Arids determinations. 1D

ILT CODE: ILT-U-736 Category:

Description: Granulometry of stone; Real and net density and water absorption of gravel; Real and net density and water absorption of sands; Determination of Gaps; Determination of crumbly particles; Determination. Average volumetric coefficient of gravel; and Extraction and preparation of stone samples Method: NCh 164, NCh 165, NCh 1511, NCh 1326, NCh 1327, NCh 1117, NCh 1239


Description: Granulometry of stone; Real and net density and water absorption of gravel; Real and net density and water absorption of sands; Determination of Gaps; Determination of crumbly particles; Determination. Average volumetric coefficient of gravel; and Extraction and preparation of stone samples

Method: NCh 164, NCh 165, NCh 1511, NCh 1326, NCh 1327, NCh 1117, NCh 1239

ILT – Interlaboratory Test
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