Covered kitchen recessed gas determinations

ILT CODE: ILT-U-2318 Categories: ,

Gas circuit tightness test, Obtaining test of the nominal calorific consumption (work table), Test to obtain the minimum calorific consumption (work table), Performance test of gas appliance burners for cooking food (Work table), Oven Maintenance Consumption Test (Oven or grill)

Gas circuit tightness test NTC 2832-1 Clause
Obtaining test of the nominal calorific consumption

(work table)

NTC 2832-1 Clause
Test to obtain the minimum calorific consumption (work table) NTC 2832-1 Clause
Performance test of gas appliance burners for cooking food (Work table) NTC 2832-2 Clause 5.2
Oven Maintenance Consumption Test (Oven or grill) NTC 2832-2 Clause 5.2
ILT – Interlaboratory Test
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