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ILT-U-567Ash content of lubricating greases

Description: Method: ASTM D482

ILT-U-1197Ash determination in coke

Description: ash determination by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Method:

, ILT-U-2610Automobile oil determination


Antioxidant Content, Primary, in New or In-service Oils. According to ASTM D7590

Standard :ASTM D7590,

, ILT-U-2611Automobile oil determination


Antioxidant Concentration in HL Turbine Oils. According to ASTM D6810

Standard :ASTM D6810,

, ILT-U-2612Automobile oil determination


Antioxidant Content in Non-zinc Turbine Oils by Linear Sweep Voltametry. According to ASTM D6971

Standard :ASTM D6971,

ILT-U-1330Biodiesel (glycerine) determinations

Description: Determination of free and total glycerol and mono-, di- and triglyceride content Method: EN 14105

ILT-U-839Biodiesel Corrosion determinations

Description: Corrosion (copper foil method) Method: ASTM D130

ILT-U-806Biodiesel determination. 1A

Description: Water Content; flash point; kinematic viscosity,40ºC; density at 15ºC; monoglyceride content; diglyceride content; triglyceride content; free glycerol; total glycerol; acid number; oxidation stability; cloud point; ester content; linolenic acid methyl ester; total contamination; and cold soak filtration test Method: EN 14112, EN 14103, EN 12662, ASTM D2500, EN 14105, ASTM D4052, ASTM D445, ASTM D93, ASTM D4928, ASTM D7501, ASTM D664, EN 15751

ILT-U-2101Biodiesel determinations. 1B

Description: Mo, Be and Te elements Method:

ILT-U-729Biodiesel determinations. 1D

Description: Monoglycerides; Diglycerides; Triglycerides; Total Glycerin; Glycerin Free; Ethanol; Methanol and Content of esters Method: EN 14103, EN 14110, ASTM D6584

ILT-U-1635Biodiesel determinations. 1F

Description: Water content; flash point; kinematic viscosity, 40ºC; density at 15ºC; content of monoglycerides; content of diglycerides; triglyceride content; free glycerol; total glycerol; acid number; stability of oxidation; cloud point; content of ester; methylene ester of linolenic acid; and total pollution; hot cold filtration test Method: ASTM D93, ASTM D6751, EN 14103, EN 12662, ASTM D664, EN 14112, ASTM D2500, ASTM D1298, ASTM D445, EN 14105, ASTM D4928

ILT-U-1159Biodiesel determinations. 1C

Description: Fatty acid / methyl esters – Determination of calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium contents; Determination of the total ester content; Flash point by Pensky-Martens closed cup tester; Corrosiveness to copper from petroleum products by copper strip test; Kinematic viscosity of transparent and opaque liquids (and calculation of dynamic viscosity; Acid number of petroleum products by potentiometric titration; Sulfated ash from lubricating oils and additives. Density and relative density of liquids by digital density meter; Determination of additive elements in lubricating oils; Determination of total sulfur in light hydrocarbons, spark ignition engine fuel, diesel engine fuel, and engine oil; Determination of water in petroleum products, lubricating oils, and additives; Cold filter plugging point of Diesel and heating fuels; Determination of total monoglyceride, total diglyceride, total triglyceride, and free and total glycerin in b-100 biodiesel methyl esters; Determination of ignition delay and derived cetane number (DCN) of Diesel fuel oils; Determination of cold filter plugging point; Corrosiveness to copper – Copper strip test; Transparent and opaque liquids – Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity; Determination of flash point – Rapid equilibrium closed cup method; Determination of sulfated ash; Determination of the ignition quality of diesel fuels – Cetane engine method; Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products. Oscillating U-tube method; Determination of contamination in middle distillates; Determination of water – Coulometric Karl Fischer titration method; Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) (ester and linolenic acid methyl ester contents, phosphorous content, free and total glycerol and mono-, di- and triglyceride content, Determination of methanol content, iodine value, oxidation stability and Ca, K, Mg and Na content); plasma (ICP-OES); and Determination of sulfur content of automotive fuels. Method: ASTM D93, ASTM D445, ASTM D664, ASTM D130, ASTM D6304, ASTM D5453, EN 14538, EN 14112, EN 14110, EN 14103, EN 12662, ASTM D4052, ASTM D6584, ASTM D6890, ISO 2160, EN 116, ASTM D6371, ISO 12185, ISO 12937, EN 14107, ISO 3104, EN 14111, ISO 3987, ISO 3679, ISO 20846, ISO 5165, ASTM D4951, ASTM D874, NBR 15553, NBR 15764

ILT-U-807Biodiesel determinations. 1E

Description: Cetane number; Contamination and Corrosion (copper foil method) Method: ASTM D6890, EN 12662, ASTM D130

ILT-U-603Carbon black determinations. 1B

Description: Sieve Residue, %; and Surface Area by Multi-Point Nitrogen Surface Area Adsorption Method: ASTM D1514, ASTM D6556

ILT-U-604Carbon black determinations. 1C

Description: Iodine Absorption Number; Oil Absorption Number {OAN}; and Tinting Strength, g/100g Method: ASTM D1510, ASTM D2414, ASTM D3265

ILT-U-1015Carbon black determinations.1A

Description: Absorbance of cyclohexane extract and Determination of solvent extractable materials Method: ASTM D7772, ISO 6209

, ILT-U-3145Charcoal determination


Total moisture, Analytical moisture, Ash, Fixed carbon, Volatile substance. According to EN 1860-2

Standard :EN 1860-2

ILT-U-381Chlorine – Bomb combustion & ISE, Fluorine – Bomb combustion & ISE and Minor and Major Elements (Coal Ash)

Description: XRF in Coal Method: ASTM D4208, ASTM D3761

ILT-U-213Coal and coke determinations

Description: Ash content; volatile matter; fixed Carbon; inherent moisture; moisture; hardgrove index; chlorine; and fluorine Method: ASTM D3761, ASTM D4208, ASTM D409, ASTM D3302, ASTM D3173, ASTM D3172, ASTM D3175, ASTM D3174

ILT-U-2758Coal determination


Ash Content, Moisture, Volatile Matter, Calorific value in a carbon matrix. According to ASTM D3174, ASTM D3173, ASTM D3175, ASTM D5865

Standard :ASTM D5865-12, ASTM D3175, [:en]ASTM D3174[:es]ASTM D3174-12[:], [:en]ASTM D3173[:es]ASTM D3173-11[:],

ILT-U-1999Coal determinations. HY

Description: Te and Sn elements Method:

ILT-U-358Coal determnations

Description: Moisture; Total in Coal; Ash Content of Petroleum Products; Volatile Matter; and Sulfur Total Method: ASTM D3302, ASTM D482, ASTM D3175, ASTM D3177

ILT-U-011Coke and coal determinations. HY

Description: Sulfur; gross calorific value; net calorific value; carbon; total hydrogen; nitrogen; and total oxygen Method: ASTM D3176, ASTM D5373, ASTM D5865, ASTM D4239

ILT-U-804Determination of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and total pollutant in biodiesel

Description: Calcium; Magnesium; Sodium; Potassium and Total pollutant Method: EN 14538, EN 12662

ILT-U-840Determination of color and sulfur content (Diesel oil)

Description: Color and Sulfur content Method: ASTM D5453, ASTM D1500

ILT-U-353Determination of H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide) in crude oil

Description: UOP 163. Method: UOP 163

ILT-U-123Determination of salts, sulfides, Saybolt viscosity and vapor pressure in crude oil

Description: ASTM D-88, ASTM D-323, ASTM D-3230 and ASTM D-4294 Method: ASTM D3230, ASTM D4294, ASTM D88, ASTM D323

ILT-U-120Determination of salts, water, sediment and sulfur in crude oil

Description: ASTM D-3230, ASTM D-4294 and ASTM D-4007 Method: ASTM D3230, ASTM D4007, ASTM D4294

ILT-U-808Determination of water and sediment in diesel

Description: Water and Sediment Method: ASTM D1796

ILT-U-1518Determinations in charcoal

Description: Spontaneously Combust EPA 1050 clause 2.3 Method:

ILT-U-1096Determinations in coal and coke. HY

Description: Volatile Matter Method: ASTM D3171, ISO 589

ILT-U-372Determinations in coal. 1A

Description: Ash Fusibility Temperatures , Total moisture, Gross calorific coal value, Crucible Swelling Number Method: ASTM D1857, ASTM D2961, ASTM D5865, ASTM D720

ILT-U-373Determinations in coal. 1B

Description: Coal Sample Preparation, Moisture in the Analysis Sample, Ash Content, Volatile Matter and Total Sulphur by IR Spectroscopy Method: ASTM D346, ASTM D3173, ASTM D3174, ASTM D3175, ASTM D4239, ASTM D3177

ILT-U-1480Determinations in crude oil

Description: Gravity API; Water Content; Extraction Sediments; Sulfur Content; and Kinematic Viscosity Method: ASTM D4006, ASTM D473, ASTM D129, ASTM D1298, ASTM D445

ILT-U-1438Determinations in ethanol

Description: By-products of petroleum distillation; Flashpoint; Total sulphides; and Relative Density Method: ASTM D1298, ASTM D5453, ASTM D93, ASTM D86

ILT-U-597Determinations in lubricating oil

Description: Heating power upper and lower; and elementary analysis Method: ASTM D240, ASTM D5291

ILT-U-616Determinations on Solid Fuels

Description: Hardgrave index; Ash content; Volatile matter content; Sulfur content; and Higher calorific value Method: ASTM D409, ASTM D4239, ISO 1928, ASTM D7582

, ILT-U-2794Gas Oil determination


Solvent Yellow 124 (SY124) content. Accordign to Gravimetric method

Standard :

, ILT-U-2795Gas Oil determination


Sulfur (Range 0.800 to 1.200 %)

Standard :

, ILT-U-2797Gas Oil determination


Sulfur (Range 0.200 to 0.500 %)

Standard :

, ILT-U-2793Gas Oil determination


Fatty acid methyl ester content, Mono-aromatic hydrocarbon content, Di-aromatic hydrocarbon content, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon content, Total aromatic hydrocarbon content, Density (at 15.0 °C), Kinematic viscosity (at 40.0 °C), Lubricity. According to EN 14078, EN 12916, EN ISO 12185, EN ISO 3104, EN 12156-1

Standard :EN 14078, EN 12916, EN ISO 12185, EN ISO 3104, EN 12156-1,

ILT-U-1199Grinding index and granulometry determination in coke

Description: Grinding index; and Granulometry Traditional dry sieving Method: ASTM D409

ILT-U-1527Lube oil determinations

Description: Density at 15 ° C; Distillation Curve; and Kinematic Viscosity at 40 ° Method: ASTM D445, ASTM D86

, ILT-U-2429Lubricating oil determination

Determination of Wear Metals and Contaminants by Rotating Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometry (RDE AES). According to ASTM D6595

ILT-U-1020Lubricating oil determinations

Description: Flash Point -Miniflash; Total Neutralized Acid; Kinematic viscosity; Total Neutralised Base; Infra-red; and Particle Counting Method: ASTM D7596, ASTM D445, ASTM D664, ASTM D6450, ASTM D2896, ASTM E2412

ILT-U-565Measurement of extreme-pressure properties of lubricating fluids

Description: Method: ASTM D4172

ILT-U-566Measurement of extreme-pressure properties of lubricating grease

Description: Method: ASTM D2596, ASTM D2266

ILT-U-927Moisture content in charcoal briquettes

Description: Method: EN 1860-2

, ILT-U-2881PCBs determination


PCBs Content. According to ASTM D4059

Standard :ASTM D4059,

ILT-U-1200Physicochemical determinations in coke

Description: Volatile; Fixed carbon; Ash; Sulfur; and Moisture Method: ASTM D3175, ASTM D3172, ASTM D3174, ASTM D4239, ASTM D3173

ILT-U-841Relative density and apparent specific mass determination (gasoline)

Description: Relative density mass and apparent specific mass Method: ASTM D1298

ILT-U-838Specific mass determination (gasoline)

Description: Specific mass Method: ASTM D4052

ILT-U-805Specific mass determination in biodiesel

Description: Specific mass Method: ASTM D4052

ILT-U-350Test Method for API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products (Hydrometer Method)

Description: ASTM D287 Method: ASTM D287

ILT-U-346Test Method for Salts in Crude Oil

Description: ASTM D3230 Method: ASTM D3230

ILT-U-349Test Method for Water and Sediment in Crude Oil

Description: ASTM D4007 Method: ASTM D4007

ILT-U-075Total dissolution of Coal/Coke

Description: ASTM D6349 Method: ASTM D6349

, ILT-U-3327Transformer Oil deteremination


Color, appearance, breakdown voltage, water content, interfacial tension, acidity, DDF, furan compounds. According to IEC 60296

Standard :IEC 60296,

, ILT-U-3326Transformer Oil determination


Dissolved gas analysis. According to IEC 60567

Standard :IEC 60567,

ILT-U-1198True density and bulk density determination in coke

Description: True density and Bulk density Method: ISO 8004, ASTM D4292

ILT-U-380Ultimate Analysis of Coal, Carbon, Hydrogen

Description: Instrumental Method, Hardgrove Index (HGI) in coal Method: ASTM D3176, ASTM D3177, ASTM D5373, ASTM D409

ILT-U-1111VOCs determinations in coal

Description: VOCs Method: ASTM D3687

, ILT-U-912Volumetric flow meter for fuels calibration

Volumetric flow meter for fuels

ILT-U-809Washed gum determination (gasoline)

Description: Washed gum Method: ASTM D381

ILT-U-279Water in Crude Oils

Description: Potentiometric Karl Fischer Titration Method: ASTM D4377

ILT – Interlaboratory Test
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